I have flown through this city about a jillion times and have never actually visited it.
In the airport in Chicago and awaiting my flight to Rome on American, which will doubtless be deeply unpleasant (but such is the price one pays for cheap-ass international flights). I do happen to have potent sleeping pills, 50 pairs of earplugs, and a volume of Winston Churchill's World War II, all of which will doubtless produce powerful soporific effects.
Will be blogging the Europe trip over here, by the by: Faine Devours Europe
It's incredibly hypocritical since I am a 20 year old college student/semi professional punk, but I really hate sitting anywhere near other students traveling abroad. All the giggling and gossiping and poking and nefarious card playing. Whereas I sit sternly doing Important Work (blogging) on my computer and reading the Important NYTimes. I am probably frittering my life away. I also hate people who can play cards because I can't play anything other then Go Fish, and even then I get really confused and have to sit out for a bit sometimes.
I really do like Winston Churchill's writing, however. My school education regarding WWII seemed to be about the HOLOCAUST and PEARL HARBOR and nothing else. I realized pretty recently that my actual knowledge about the details of the USA's greatest conflict is in essence nil and figured getting the account of the whole thing from the horses/Churchill's mouth himself might be a good place to start. The prodigious output of the man is what impresses me most: book after book after book after.... One wonders if he was familiar with the notion of simply screwing around. Of course, I don't agree with him at all about India - he thought they shouldn't be independent and would never pull it off, and we all know how that worked out - but beyond that point of contention, he's a great thinker and very interesting to read.
Reading Camus and not entirely sure what to make of it. I have also been re-reading all my Calvin and Hobbes books and find the juxtaposition of theories of the absurd with the Best Comic Strip ever to be really gosh darn easy.
Also read Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum and very much enjoyed it. Sort of Owen Meanyesque with much more artistic merit and infinitely more surreality. Also great scenes of nastiness (horse heads --> eel infestations, et all) Made a stab at The Flounder a few years and threw up my hands in defeat...I may have to revisit it.
I promise I will produce more dumbass content for this blog in the near future. I have been spending a ton of time on Encyclopedia Dramatica of late. Although it is the conduit of pretty much everything offensive on the internet, it's also the website that can make me laugh my ass off more efficiently then anything else. I also find it amusing that /b and Something Awful apparantly originated LOLCats, a meme that is now being used by "hip" soccer moms. The Internet moves in mysterious ways, and we cannot know its intentions. That sounded cool when I thought it out.
Life Rules Edition One:
- Never eat at a restaurant with an Irish name unless you are in Ireland. Even then, you might be better off with energy bars.
- Plastic bags are the best travel item in the universe. I have like fifty of them in my backpack right now. With the little zip things. Oh man.
- The Scissor Sisters make everything better. Really!
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